Eco-Responsible Hotel
Concerned about the environment and future generations, AX Hôtel is constantly evolving and improving.
The management is always looking for new ways to improve its ecological footprint, and has found positive solutions in several categories.
Healthy Environment
- To anchor these initiatives within our facilities, AX hotel has installed recycling and compost bins, as well as deposit boxes;
- All single-use plastic containers have been removed, and are now made of biodegradable material;
- Milk and cream cups have been replaced by flint;
- Salt, pepper and sugar sachets will be removed to make room for sugar, salt and pepper shakers;
- All our hygiene products are in bulk and made in Quebec;
- Our cleaning products are organic;
- We reuse our bath supplies to make rags for housekeeping purposes;
- Complete room services are now performed after the 3rd or 4th night to reduce product and water consumption;
- We have gone almost completely computerized, to avoid unnecessary printing;
- Key cards and key card sleeves in good condition are reused;
- With regard to energy, efforts are being made to use low-energy light bulbs, turn off lights and reduce heating in unused rooms.
Buy Local
- We prioritize local purchases, encouraging our customers to patronize local businesses and our partners by creating packages;
- Our bedding, towels and bathrobes are purchased in Quebec;
- Our Belle Pella hygiene products are made in Quebec;
- We always favor local businesses.
Fair Social Conscience
- Our used furniture, bedding supplies and equipment that no longer meet the hotel’s quality criteria are first given to employees who need them;
- The goods are then donated to the Samaritaine (community organization).